Monday 27 February 2012


One reason that I am particularly enjoying the sunny, Spring weather is that it is nearly time to get back on the bike for my daily commute.  Winter has been great, I love the tram system in Bremen and that I can use that time to read but some days are better than others.  Since the new semester started, I have an early duty on Mondays and although it's hard to drag myself out of bed half an hour earlier, the guarantee of a seat on the bus and trams is worth it.  

When I get on the tram on a usual morning, I hit peak time.  One morning last week took the biscuit though.  We were packed in like sardines.  I had pushed my way on last because I would rather be by the doors than stuck in the middle where it gets really claustrophobic.  We pulled up at the next stop where a mother and daughter were stood on the platform.  The girl was young, probably in the older years of primary school.  One thing you see here is that school kids, especially at that age, carry huge square backpacks.  I thought straight away that the mother would take the girl further down the tram where there was more space.  But no...she let the doors open, pushed her daughter into the tram with some force as there just wasn't space and said goodbye to her!  The doors would not close as the girl's backpack was in the way, but still the mother just pushed her into the crowd until they closed and waved her on her way! Many more mornings like that and the bike will be making a much quicker comeback!

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