Saturday 30 July 2016

The Saturday Update

It's been a mixed old week around here.

We celebrated our friends' wedding on Saturday. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time catching up with friends. Isabella loved playing and dancing - she was a joy to watch.

On Sunday we went swimming with my friend and her little girl and then had lots of family time before we went to a music quiz with my Mum.

Monday was a real family day with three of Isabella's cousins with her at my Dad's house for the day. It was busy but fun. I don't see enough of the little ones so it was nice to be around them.

We travelled back to Germany on Tuesday. It was a long day but good to get back.

On Wednesday I went for my check up - all good there. Then we drove up to Nico's parents'. Isabella is having a holiday there until she goes back to nursery. It was strange driving back without her but she is having a whale of a time and keeping everyone on their toes by all accounts.

We had rather a quiet day on Thursday with a long overdue date night dinner in the evening. I'll be writing more on that later.

Yesterday a colleague called over for some school materials and I got lots of crafting done.

I'm planning on getting lots of housework and gardening done this weekend, having a quiet day on Monday and then getting stuck back in at work on Tuesday with a first aid course.

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