Saturday 23 April 2011

The Saturday Update

As you may have guessed from the timing of this update, it wasn't good news on the scales this week.  I should have expected it since the diet has gone out of the window due to three factors - one was Dad's visit which meant lots of being out and about (more on that later this week) which in turn made things more difficult to plan, another problem was that German supermarkets close for bank holidays which we forgot and so were stuck on Friday and have been to do a big shop today to keep us going until Tuesday and the third factor was the gorgeous weather we have been having means that afternoon ice creams are mandatory!  Basically, I put on the three pounds I lost last week and while it could have been worse, I hadn't expected it to be so bad given all of the walking we did while Dad was here (achieving a record 7.5 points on the pedometer on the last day).  Also, I'm just plain sick of this yoyoing and Dad brought a suitcase full of my summer clothes that I either can't get into or look horrendous (one advantage of this is that I now have a new 'before' picture and extra motivation to stick with it).  So today I have been very good - weetabix for breakfast, turkey korma for lunch and now rosemary chicken with potato and fennel wedges and veg for tea.  (21 points in all but I have burnt five with walking and cycling - more on that later)  I'm also trying to stay off the alcohol for the week to give myself a boost next week, not sure how that will is holidays after all.  My main idea is that now I have had a week 'off', I should use the rest of the holidays to get back into good habits before it's back to the grindstone.  Here's hoping for better news next week!

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