Saturday 2 July 2011

The Saturday Update

This week I have stayed the same again.  This is hardly surprising except that I might have expected to put a little more on.  I've been very good on the exercise front and very good while on the trips since all the snacks the others were eating weren't gluten free but the evenings have not been soo good.  At the moment though, with everything that is going on, I'm happy to stick with staying the same until we get settled in the new flat and I can get cracking again.

As the blogs this week have suggested, it's been a mad week with trips on four days and trying to sort things out for the move and the holiday.  Yesterday was the retirement party of a colleague and I was a little annoyed with myself at only really getting to know her at the end of the year.  Next year I'm going to make more of an effort to talk to everybody and get to know people at school.  This year has been more about settling in and getting used to the system but my German's improving and I want to fit in better at school and not leave it until I probably have to leave next year to get to know people.

Another thing also hit home with the retirement speeches.  I'm really looking forward to the next school year because it will be the first time that I am teaching at the same school for two years in a row.  Since I qualified I've taught at three very different schools in three years and I'm looking forward to the relative break of already knowing the system now and being able to concentrate on my lessons more.  It seemed a little crazy getting so excited when I then heard that the colleague had been at the school for thirty three years!  That's longer than I have been alive!  It's also something I'd really like to do though - find the right school for me and stick with it.  I'd better get a move on (or maybe not given the pension set up).  It's hard not knowing what's coming in the next year, and although I'm being given a year off that trial, I'm not looking forward to it the year after, on the other hand, I don't want to jinx it but each period of not knowing has always brought me something better.  I can't imagine how things can get much better than they will be in September but I'm ready to find out!

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