Saturday 10 March 2012

The Saturday Update

Good morning!

I can't believe it is time for another update already, this week has just flown by.  It's been mainly good in that my Gran and my student are both out of hospital, I've had a quieter work week with no year nine and I've lost two pounds, making it to my one stone marker for the year!

Last weekend, we had a great time in Oldenburg as I posted this week.  Sunday was then a nice quiet one to recover.  

On Monday, I had a lovely lunch with the girls in Knigge, during which we were actually asked to keep it down!  To be fair, I've been expecting that for weeks but it didn't go down well.  Oops!  Monday also saw the great news that Gran is home again.  They played with her pills a bit, got her breathing and heart rate sorted and she's back how she was before she went in now.  The important thing is that she is still mentally strong and stubborn.

Tuesday seemed a heavy day even though I had no meetings this week.  I'm a lucky girl though and Nico spoiled me with a ready lunch and a delicious dinner.  

On Thursday we had our second English group coffee.  This time we went to Lisa's as she is still recovering from the scolding last week.  The good news is that she doesn't have to have a skin graft, the bad news is no exercise for six weeks and no sun for twelve months!!  The conversation itself was really good, so good in fact that we lost track of time and it turned into a late evening.  

Yesterday, I invested in a new trowel and got on with some more indoor gardening - more on that next week.  Pete hasn't dug it up yet so let's hope it stays that way!  

I also finished Fall of Giants this week and ordered it for my Gran to read.  I can't wait for the next book of the trilogy to come out later this year.  In the meantime, I'm going to be buying Ken Follett's World Without End next.  I've now started on A Game of Thrones which is a good book but slightly spoiled by the fact that we watched the series already...I still want to read them all in the right order though.  We'll see.

I've done zumba three times this week and cycled to Roland Center every day which explains my good results despite the diet cheats.  I plan to keep up the fitness next week.  Next week is another nice work week with no year nine, and we are going to see the Merchant of Venice on Friday evening.  Also trying to plan a games night with Loreto but we will have to see how soon we can squeeze that in!  Have a good week!

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