Saturday 3 May 2014

The Saturday Update

It's been a fairly slow week here with our extra long bank holiday weekend. The relaxation has been great and we still got lots done.

Monday started out with our latest scan and check up. The baby has turned and is ready now so I guess we should start getting ready too. Just six weeks to our due date now! Then it was work as normal on Monday and Tuesday. 

Tuesday was also the start of parent meetings that went late so I was exhausted and doubly glad for the short week and a delicious home cooked dinner.

Wednesday was a nice short day at work with no teaching - just more meetings in the morning.

Over the last couple of days we have done some jobs around the flat, baked, watched up to season seven of Grey's Anatomy (o addictive!), read a lot and crafted a bit. The weather has been miserable but the sun is out this morning so we can enjoy that too now. 

I finish work on Tuesday for maternity leave - that has come around scarily fast. The birthing course with the midwife starts on Monday and there are still a fair few job to get done around here so I plan on keeping busy while I still can!

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