Thursday 3 December 2015


With the end of the year creeping quickly closer, I've been thinking about what 2016 might look like for us and what I want to acheive in the next twelve months - more on that later.

Recently I found some old papers encouraging us to get Isabella into reading. She loves books already. Of course she's too young to read alone but already, she recognizes pictures, certain books (Peeeeepo) and knows when they are upside down.

I want to start taking her to our local library next year. Maybe once a month. Personally, I prefer to buy books but I'm a huge snob. I've loved to read from a young age and some of my best memories were taking out books from our local library.

 I think it will be a great way to engage Isabella more. Our local library is in the high school so it's not open Saturdays but they do open two evenings a week and it's free for her to join. They also have regular story tellings for little ones so we can meet new people too.

I think I'm looking forward to it the most!

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