Thursday 19 October 2017

Lantern Workshop

With Isabella's return to Kindergarten comes a barrage of events for our calendar. The first was the lantern workshop last night.

At nursery this was always a chaotic afternoon with Nico and I rushing from work so one of us could distract her while the other cut and stick a lantern together.

I have to say, I prefer the Kindergarten's method. I got there at seven pm, on edge after a crazy afternoon with the kids and was promptly served a cup of mulled wine!

One of the teachers had made example lanterns and the kids had been asked to choose early in the week - owl or shark. All but one of the girls picked owls, and all but one of the boys picked sharks.

I was in the owl room which inevitably had all of the glitter and pink card. First I cut all the pieces. This took longer than expected as I forgot that owl lanterns need four wings, two heads and four eyes! Then came the sticking, and finally the decoration.

I am really pleased with my two hours' work. It was also fun watching and listening to the dads who had been sent along to make their girls' lanterns. I've never heard so many wonderings about shades of pink and glitter!

Looking forward to the festival now!

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