Monday 2 July 2018

Make it Monday: Goals!

With such a busy end of the school year and the hen do at the weekend, my creativity has hit a bit of a hurdle.  I've still got so many ideas in my head but I'm lacking the time and energy to get started.  I'm amazed I have kept up my ongoing projects such as the daily video and weekly crochet and Porject Life.

Today, I thought I would share with you some of the projects I am planning on cracking on with in the holidays.  It's always therapeutic for me to get these things out of my head and into words.

  1. Sewing - trousers and/or trouser jump suit from Tilly and the Buttons
  2. Crochet - catch up on the blanket patches and get ahead on some hats for Autumn gifts.  I also have a ladybird kit to make.
  3. Paper crafts - August cards, new Project Life album.
  4. Photography - change out our wall photos, Joshua's Dr Seuss poster, update Isabella's photo wall, photo book gift, Isabella's birthday photos.
  5. Gonis - I have a meeting on the 10th July to start working with Gonis.
  6. DIY - I'd like to jazz up a few things around the house and garden but I'm still searching for my inspiration here.
  7. Video - keep up the daily videos.  We made it six months and I LOVE this project.
  8. Painting - I still need to finish my oil painting quartet and experiment more with glass painting.
Here's to a productive and creative month!!

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