Wednesday 10 October 2018


Last week Nico and I made the most of our live in babysitter to visit the GOP theatre in Bremen. It's been open for four or five years now and we've been keen to go but it's not easy to get out.  I bought Nico some vouchers for his birthday and we planned the visit around Dad's time here.

I had no idea what to expect.  I had a vague idea that it was like Cirque du Soleil but I have never seen that either.  

It was brilliant!  There were two presenters who did a bit of stand up and music.  Some of the wordplay was a bit much for me, but they were good.  Then there were about eight different performers (some solo artists and some duets) who did different acrobatic of circus skills - juggling, pole dancing, strong woman.  The latter had Nico and another 'volunteer' up on the stage which made the night for me.

It is not permitted to photograph inside the theatre but that helps you concentrate on the show.  It lasted about two hours.  We had booked for the meal beforehand and while the service was good and the food wasn't bad, it wasn't special and for that price, I would have expected at least bigger portions.  

I'd love to go again and see what they do for a different show.  We heard that the show before was even more spectacular.  Next time, I would eat in Bremen first.  The drinks were nice and it was really good to be out as a couple for the evening.  Date nights are so important.

I also learned this week that there are several GOPs.  Hamburg and Münster have their own GOP theatres and the original is in Hannover.

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