Monday 4 October 2010

I am still alive!

No, I didn't have an unfortunate car accident after my last post and I haven't gone missing.  It has been a hectic month here, starting with the move, a visit from Mum and Doug and numerous events since.  Of course, there is always something going on in Bremen so this weekend was German Unity Day - 20 years since West and East Germany were reunited and there was loads going on in town. 

I'm writing in my free lesson at school at the moment (no internet in the flat yet - another long story) so I can't be on long. I just wanted to assure any of you still reading this that I am ok and will provide a full update etc over the next couple of weeks as we finally have autumn half term!  Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! You're back on line! Missed your blog... :-(
