Wednesday 4 January 2012

Something New Week #6

Don't worry, I didn't forget about my pledge to myself to try something new each week while on holiday - I just didn't want to spoil the surprise for friends and family who hadn't seen it yet.  

The week before Christmas I tried...a new hair colour!

When I was little, I always had lovely blonde hair but at some point, it turned a mousy brown.  When I first lived in Germany, six years ago, I decided to go back to my childhood and go blonde.  I do think that was pretty brave in itself - having your hair dyed for the first time ever, in a foreign language!  Luckily the hairdresser was brilliant and I got just what I wanted.  I'd kept this up for a long time until I went to a hairdresser here in Bremen a year ago and it didn't look the way it always had, but had cost me as much as ever.  In a bid to develop my budgeting plan last year, I decided to grow the blonde out.

For almost a year I didn't visit the hairdresser.  In the end, it was mainly because it hurt my arm to brush my hair because it had gotten so long that I went to a new hairdresser here in Huchting.  She was a little shocked when I told her how much I wanted cutting off, in fact her nerves made me nervous but in the end, the length was the same as I'd always had it cut.  The only problem after my haircut was how much worse my roots looked, half my hair now being mousy brown and half blonde.  

I decided to have a change.  I decided not only to dye the hair myself (i.e. by Nico) at home, but also to try a whole new colour and go brunette.  My sister has never been worried about changing her hair colour and looks good as a brunette so I wasn't too worried, as we have similar colouring.  It was different, that's for sure but I really like it.  I think it suits me and the roots don't look as bad.  One thing is for sure, 3.49 is a way better price than I was paying for my colour.

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