Saturday 16 June 2012

The Saturday Update

Although it wasn't planned that way, it's been a bit of a crazy one this week.  We had a lovely weekend after the last update - quite a productive Saturday and then Sunday in the country for Nico's Grandad's birthday barbecue.  The weather held out just long enough and it was great to see everyone and get some fresh air.

Then it was back to work...and although there wasn't a lot going on there this week it's been a bit much.  I've had fireworks (literally) and fights in my classroom this week and it's really wound me up.  On top of that I opened my emails on Friday evening to find one from the council saying there may not be a job for me next year after all....  Cue wine, nibbles, ranting and a lot of stress...  I'm getting to the end of my wit with the job situation, the mixed messages and the amount of money it has cost me are a lot to take on but a chat with Nico and a bit of perspective have taken some of the sting out of it.  Whatever happens, we will sort it out.  Maybe my stress levels could do with a change of career after this week at school!  What will be, will be and the sooner I find out the better, in the meantime, I just need to take some deep breaths and count to ten a lot.

The whole situation did nothing for my other goals, I have put on two pounds and the credit card took a bit of a bashing when we booked our holiday to Amsterdam and England this summer, but I'm not regretting the last one since it gives me something positive to look forward to, especially as we will be home for my nephew and Mum's birthdays and hopefully to meet my friends baby who is due two weeks before... let's see!  And I know the stress is no excuse for eating and drinking so much, I'm starting this week with a new attitude and motivation, including getting back into Zumba after three lazy weeks.

Next week should be straight forward!  Let's hope.  Thursday will be a big day but more on that then.  I'm also hoping to catch up with my friend Loreto here in Bremen this week as I haven't seen her for ages now!  More from her on Monday!  Have a good one!

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