Sunday 17 February 2013



Finally, I made it to the end of this book.  It's not that it's a bad book - far from it.  It's just that it was my first one in German for a while and I stupidly decided to break it up with some other English books so it seems to have taken forever.

To the book itself though - I can't say anything negative.  It's a book for children but the vocabulary was still a stretch for me at times.  I loved the concept - it's a little like Harry Potter for bookworms in that it mixes magic and books.  I was vaguely aware that there was a film out there - Inkheart, but I have never seen it.

The characters and settings are brilliant.  The story line is also great in the way loose ends are tied up and it's full of twists and turns that are wonderfully written.  It was also important to me to read a book that was originally written in German too.  There are some books - like Captain Bluebear where that's really impossible for me but this one wasn't too much of a stretch. 

Looking forward to the next parts of the trilogy after a little break.

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