Sunday 22 December 2013

A History of Scotland

In my latest spurt of reading I have almost devoured this work over the weekend.  I've always had an interest in history and I bought this just after we got back from our honeymoon in Scotland as I was sure there was a lot I could learn.  Part of my family history also stems back to Scotland so it's that little bit more special than some of the areas of history I have studied.

There were two things I loved about this book.  The first was how much in sounded like Game of Thrones.  Normally, I find this kind of writing very heavy and hard to get through but this one was so well written and the content itself is so interesting that it was like reading a work of fiction and therefore, the history seemed all the more amazing.

The second, slightly more geeky aspect was how interconnected history is.  Everything I studied at school - the Tudors and the Civil War -, sixth form - the American Revolution and industrialisation -, and university - medieval Europe and Spanish history -; it's all in there even though the focus is always unmistakably Scottish.  It just goes to show what a huge and amazing history that country has - despite its size!

It's not a book I would recommend to everyone.  You have to be really into history and/or Scotland, but for those that are, this is a great read.  I'm really looking forward to finishing it this tomorrow.

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