Tuesday 24 February 2015

Unwanted Advice

Tonight, after a long day at work we called into the DIY store on the way home. Isabella had been in the her car seat for over an hour and got pretty restless in the store. I got her out of the seat and realised that she was way too warm. As soon as I took her winter suit off and distracted her she was our happy little girl again. 

Of course it was quite an episode getting her back in the seat to go home so I made the decision to leave her big snow suit off as she was in warm pyjamas and the car was warm. She was much happier.

It was then all the more hurtful when a random stranger called over to us in the carpark to say she should be more wrapped up. Now I'm used to hearing all of the advice from grandmothers (our grandmothers, Isabella's grandmothers, and random strangers) but this woman was not much older than me. I almost cried on the spot. 

What makes people think they have the right to comment on how strangers bring up their own children? With few exceptions, I believe most parents do the best they can and while we all do what we think is right, most parenting decisions make little difference in the long term.

When I told my boss about the nutrition seminar last week her jaw dropped. She brought up two boys with no such support. 

The truth is that we all know what is best for our own children and I will be putting all my energy into my own baby and saving any advice for those who ask for it, or failing that, my grandchildren!

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