Friday 13 November 2015

Children's First Aid

Last night I took part in a children's first aid course. It was through the baby club at Werder Bremen Football Club.  Their events have been quite mixed so far but this was definitely the best.

It always surprises me how different things are here in comparison to the UK and usually, things here are much more logical.

For example, in Germany you have to pass a first aid course in order to get a driving license.  Also, in stark contrast to the UK, the only thing you can be sued for in terms of First Aid here, is if you do nothing to help.  I remember being told as a teacher in the UK, NOT to help injured pupils as parents have been known to sue teachers who have done the right thing and helped their child.  As a parent, I know which system I prefer.

Anyway, as to the course itself, while I have taken first aid courses at school (compulsory every three years for teachers), this was the first one I've ever taken aimed at young children and babies and there were lots of new tips and pieces of advice.

We covered the big things like CPR and the recovery position.  We covered preventing accidents and injuries as well as the treatment of a range of problems, from burns to bandaging cuts.

We received a free bandage pack for our bags and I bought a small guide.  It's so important to refresh and add to first aid knowledge when you have little ones running round, but in can be useful in any situation.

We were a little sad to hear that only 20% of people who receive CPR survive but as the trainer pointed out, those 20% are very grateful and make it worth it.  It also makes it all the more amazing that a friend of my family has performed CPR on and saved the lives of not one, but two people.

It's something I hope I never have to use, but I'm glad I'll be able to.

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