Tuesday 7 September 2010

Lessons All Round

I'm entering my third week in school now and have started settling in and getting used to things although I still keep getting told new things in the staffroom (in the blunt German way).  For example, I only just found out that I have to kick all of the kids out of the classrooms every breaktime and at the end of school and lock the room.  This is complicated by the fact that the kids try to convince me that this isn't true and they are actually allowed to be in there.  This usually results in me losing half of my break or missing half of my break duty in arguing with them - though I haven't been in trouble for that...yet.

The situation is helped immensely by the fact that Linda and I regularly meet up and compare notes on how things are going and what we've learnt that week.  It helps me realise that I am not the only one in the boat!  We also met Ed last week who is on the same programme at yet another school and while he doesn't experience the same young, female, blonde teacher prejudice, he has had his share of problems too.  He also informed us that it isn't even just our schools but that actually Bremen is at the bottom of the national league tables and they struggle to get teachers to fill the jobs that are going here.  In some ways this explains a lot but while the first few weeks have been hectic and at times frustrating, I haven't cried...yet, and I cried almost every week in my first school.  The pupils here are just as trying, if not worse but the lifestyle is so much better that it balances out.  The workload is less and the schol days shorter which means I'm not bringing work home with me and have actually developed a life outside of school.

Speaking of which, I should be moving in to my new flat this week and am looking forward to a visit from Mum and Doug on Saturday for a week.  Linda and I have been learning the ins and outs of IKEA German style and have managed to order (some) furniture for our new places.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that all runs smoothly this week - I'm not holding my breath, knowing how my luck goes!

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