Friday 16 September 2011

27 things...Pay off a Credit Card

One very positive thing about selling my car earlier this week is that it has allowed me to pay off one of my credit cards and complete another thing on my 27 things list.  Okay, I admit it hasn't gotten me completely out of debt but it was a great feeling to pay that off, pay off my Masters fees and get on top of my other bills.

I've been following some great blogs with tips on cutting back.  I imposed a book ban on myself as I was buying them every week when I first arrived in Germany.  I decided I shouldn't buy any more until I'd read all the ones I had.  I read an average of one book per week and I've still got plenty to go at.  On top of that, I haven't bought any new clothes since October and I'm working my way through the stock piles of Avon make up and toiletries that I have before buying any more.  It feels great getting rid of the clutter while saving money!  Looking forward to paying off my next card already!

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