Sunday 20 January 2013

Northanger Abbey

Last week, I finished working my way through the novels of Jane Austen.  For some reason, the complete works that I bought a few years ago didn't include this little beauty.  My Dad bought me it for Christmas though (I loved the fact that the cover matched the collection but that's my OCD for you) .  Actually I really don't understand why this was considered the sixth book because I think it could be my favourite.  I couldn't put it down and so it was finished in a week.

It has all the elements of a great novel, strong characters, a complex story line and suspension throughout.  I loved her descriptions of the abbey and I loved how Catherine came across as a normal person and even a bit of a modern heroine.  Like me, she didn't even fully understand all the social complexities of the time and it was really endearing.  

Highly recommended for anyone who likes the classics.

P.S. I've now started my first German novel of the year - Tintenherz - and it may be a little longer until my next literary update...

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