Thursday 22 May 2014

30 Things...Try Acupuncture

Yesterday I had my first acupuncture session. My midwife recommended it as it is supposed to prepare the body for labour and make it go smoother and faster when it does come. She told us that the needles were placed on the legs but otherwise I had no idea what to expect.

She started by explaining that acupuncture is a way to transfer energy and information between my physical and spiritual bodies. I was sat in a chair and had to practise the labour breathing techniques, which are like those used in yoga, in order to ground myself.

Three needles were then inserted into each leg. Two on the outside below the knee and one on the inside above the ankle. They were left there for about half an hour. When she was searching for the points I could feel when she had found them. It's hard to explain but it almost tingles, then she puts the needle in. It doesn't really hurt. You're not allowed to move and you don't feel them the whole time.

When the needles come out, it may bleed a little but it stops quickly, the marks fade quickly and so does the feeling. 

I'm on weekly sessions from now until labour starts. It's hard to tell what effect it has had until we see how labour goes...I'll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. It's great that your first session was a breeze! Acupuncture can really be helpful, as studies have shown that it is effective for relieving stress, morning sickness, hip and back pain, and even shortening the length of labor. Did you feel any relief on the first three? If not, just wait ‘til you are in labor. Haha! Keep us posted!

    Kristopher Edwards @ Chiropractic Wellness and Rehabilitation
